Andy Walker

Attractions Manager


What I do

I am the Attractions Manager at Thorpe Park, which means I look after the operation of the Park’s rides and attractions as well as the planning and operation of the entertainment in the park and our new on-site accommodation, The Crash Pad.

How I got my job

Like many of my colleagues I started with a seasonal job working on the rides. At the same time, I was studying for a degree in Business Marketing and when I graduated I applied and was accepted onto the Merlin Graduate Training programme (Thorpe Park is owned by the Merlin Entertainments Group).

As part of this, I spent time working at a number of attractions and in a number of roles, including marketing, hotel operations, and food and beverage. Through building up all of this experience and knowledge, I was then able to progress into my current role.

What I love about my job

What isn’t there to love?! Every day is completely different. I get involved in new ride projects, visit our competitors to develop new ideas, plan our special events such as Fright Nights at Halloween and, most importantly, I have the pleasure of working with the best team and most thrilling rides in the country.

What’s difficult about my job

Thorpe Park is a fast-paced and constantly developing environment, which means there is always something different happening or being planned for the future. I frequently have the challenge of balancing my working time between the day-to-day operation and the long-term planning and development for both the rides and entertainment teams.

Where to start

The Merlin Entertainments Group is fantastic at talent management and career progression. Working for a global company opens a whole range of opportunities to someone who is passionate and enthusiastic about the industry. Many of my colleagues have worked their way up to management positions, or I can highly recommend the XLR8 Graduate Training programme.